Discover the fascinating
world of volcanoes

Volcano Drones

Drones to science’s service!

Duration: 12 minutes

The arrival of drones revolutionizes the work and research of the scientists and volcanologues on the ground. New creation, the show “Volcano Drones” takes a leap in the future in order to show you the capacity of artificial intelligence during the volcanic expeditions.

Follow the volcanologues Caldera and Magmatus during their expedition on the Piton de la Fournaise and discover the researches’ evolution between two periods. Miniaturised and doted of artificial intelligence, drones also do their show and awaits you with some surprises!


  • Drones show
  • Introducing an animator

Volcano Drones on the plan

Volcano Drones on the map

Volcano Drones on the map-volcano-drones

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