A fun place to discover and learn about our planet, Vulcania is designed to be accessible and understandable to everyone.

From the outset, Vulcania’s commitment to welcoming people with disabilities, both individuals and groups, has taken the form of a wide range of facilities and measures. This led to the signing of the National Accessibility Charter in 2003.

Vulcania has also been awarded the Tourism & Handicap label for people with motor, hearing, cognitive and visual impairments.


Vulcania has the “Tourism and Disability” label

Vulcania has now been awarded the Tourism & Handicap label for motor, hearing, visual and cognitive impairments, and its staff are trained to welcome disabled visitors, offering services adapted to all disabilities.

Organise your day and find out all the advice on visits and services for your disability:

Useful information:

  • Assistance dogs identified as such are accepted in the park.
  • People with a valid “disability card”, “priority card for disabled people” or “awkward standing card”, as well as 3 accompanying adults, have easier access to the attractions.
  • To make your visit as comfortable as possible, waiting areas have been set up outside the queues for each of the events: they are accessible to everyone without a ticket. Please let us know if you have any problems at the checkout.
  • The restaurant areas are accessible.
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