A world of sensations and emotions.

Vulcania has been awarded the “Tourism and Disability” label for visitors with cognitive impairments, and offers a range of adapted services to make your visit as comfortable as possible.

Vulcania’s attractions offer a wide range of sensations and emotions, and are particularly suited to visitors with mental disabilities. Nevertheless, certain images may offend the sensibilities of some visitors. To help you prepare for your visit, we recommend that you contact us by e-mail.

At the “Cafétéria des Puys”, dishes are presented in the form of photos and staff can help carry the tray if required.

Complement your visit with a guided tour or workshop-visit “Volcanoes from top to bottom” (for groups of 5 or more people with disabilities):

Discover the accessibility of our events

Terre en colère

Dynamic animation that can be frightening. 9 non-dynamic locations at the front of the room, equipped with the interactive voting system.

Réveil des géants d’Auvergne

Dynamic 4D animation that may be frightening. Non-dynamic locations at the back of the room with no sensory effects.

Volcans sacrés

Stroboscopic lighting effect. It is not possible to leave the animation during the show.

Ouragan, Regards sur les volcans, Neige, Mission Vulcania

Accessible (some scenes can be frightening in the film “Regards sur les volcans”).

Machine Terre



Accessible; visitors are encouraged to take part in talks given by Vulcania staff (various experiments on offer).

Exposition “Chaîne des Puys”

Outdoor tour; accessible. Preferably visited by Vulcania guides.


This dynamic attraction can be frightening and is not recommended for people with severe mental disabilities. It is not possible to leave the animation during the show.
To access Namazu, you must: bend your knees; hold on with at least 1 hand (2 hands for children) to the front of the vehicle for the duration of the attraction; if necessary, be able to climb a 59-step staircase, walk for 100 m and go down a few steps, alone or with the help of a companion.

Cité des enfants, Galerie Pitoufeu


Abyss explorer

No non-dynamic place: access to the dynamic platform, subject to pathologies likely to be aggravated by the shaking. It is not possible to leave the animation during the show.

Premier envol

No non-dynamic site: access to dynamic pods, subject to pathologies likely to be aggravated by shaking. It is not possible to leave the animation during the show.

Dragon ride 2

Dynamic 4D animation that can be frightening.

La Forêt des dragons

Outdoor course; accessible.

Film Mont St Helens


Planète Dévoilée, Volcano Drones, Coin des expériences, Ateliers du Planétarium


La Maison Pitoufeu, Geyser


Astrodôme (Planetarium)


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