Experience spectacular and emotional moments at Vulcania! Throughout the season, enjoy a program of permanent and occasional shows (10 evenings this summer) to make your exploration a memorable day!

The “ Soirées de l’été “(Summer evenings): experience volcanic nights!

In July and August 2023, the Vulcania Park offers 10 dates to punctuate your exploration with shows until the evening! Attend the explosive experiments of Professor Yapadrisk with Expériences, c’est show! (Experiments, it’s a show!) and Yapadrisk et la flamme des volcans (Yapadrisk and the flame of the volcanoes), admire the majestic flight of birds of prey during a Présentation de rapaces en vol libre ( Introduction to birds of prey), and with  Dragon Time, discover the environment of Vulcania by night with a breathtaking fireworks show!

To find out about all the “Summer Evenings” dates in 2023, go to the park’s opening calendar.

What are the shows at Vulcania?

Permanent show

Occasional shows

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