Discover the fascinating
world of volcanoes

Réveil des géants d’Auvergne

(Awakening of the Auvergne giants)

What would happen if the volcanoes of Auvergne were to awaken?

Duration: 20 minutes

Since their last eruption some 7,000 years ago, Auvergne’s volcanoes have been in a deep sleep. But are they really extinct, or simply asleep? What would happen if Auvergne’s volcanoes went from deep sleep to activity? Vulcania invites you to discover the answer live in this unique attraction.


  • 3D digital film
  • Dynamic seating
  • Surprises
  • Special effects

Explosive eruption, fiery cloud, lava flow

In a dynamic room, discover the different eruptions possible if the volcanoes of the Chaîne des puys awaken: explosive eruption, fiery cloud, lava flow…

The “Réveil des géants d’Auvergne” (Awakening of the Auvergne Giants) is a dynamic 3D attraction combining real and reconstructed images, special effects and other surprises to let you experience the extraordinary phenomena of active volcanoes!

Réveil des géants d’Auvergne on the map

Réveil des géants d’Auvergne on the map-reveil-des-geants-d-auvergne

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